NTTコムウェア のコミュニケーションスペース。社内外の人が集まり共創することのできる環境がもとめられた。




Communication space of NTT Comware. An environment was sought where people inside and outside the company could gather and co-create.

The layout was constructed with a hint of how the park should be where people gather and relax, and the zones were divided according to the degree of concentration, and the required functions were arranged.

A place where people can gather and relax, and a place where things are created, “park” and “research facility”. Tried perspective of expression was multiply these two elements in space.

We aimed to create a comfortable space with soft shadows while symbolizing the research facility by composing the lighting with a focus on surface emission, while taking in the external environment softly by composing with plants, tiles and blocks.