


リビングにはテラスまで続く簡易的なキッチンカウンター 、ソファベンチを設けることで内と外をつなげ、人の意識を中庭へと広げ心地よい時間の流れを感じる場となった。


A plan to renovate an 80-year-old Japanese house.
The existing condition was repeatedly expanded and renovated as the residents changed, and the interior and exterior and sashes that were given without a sense of unity according to the times and the tastes of the residents at that time lost the goodness of Japanese houses.

Under such circumstances, there was a need for a space where people could gather comfortably, taking advantage of the existing situation, and having a view of the garden.

The outer wall on the garden side and the sash were dismantled. The space that was originally a broad veranda lines was changed to the veranda, and open lead-in windows were installed in all rooms.
We aimed to create a space where you can feel a sense of unity and openness with the courtyard from all the rooms.In addition, the veranda is connected to the living room, Japanese-style room, and bedroom from the outside to create a flow line, creating a new layout with ease of migration.

In the living room, a simple kitchen counter leading to the terrace and a sofa bench were installed to connect the inside and the outside, spreading people's consciousness to the courtyard and feeling a comfortable flow of time.

Taking advantage of the pillars and beams that came out during the dismantling of the interior and exterior that were added in the extension and renovation, we chose mortar and plaster for the materials such as floors and walls, which have relatively few claims in space.The texture of the mortar and the existing pillars and beams gives a glimpse of the contrast of time, creating a high-quality and comfortable space.


NTTコムウェア のコミュニケーションスペース。社内外の人が集まり共創することのできる環境がもとめられた。




Communication space of NTT Comware. An environment was sought where people inside and outside the company could gather and co-create.

The layout was constructed with a hint of how the park should be where people gather and relax, and the zones were divided according to the degree of concentration, and the required functions were arranged.

A place where people can gather and relax, and a place where things are created, “park” and “research facility”. Tried perspective of expression was multiply these two elements in space.

We aimed to create a comfortable space with soft shadows while symbolizing the research facility by composing the lighting with a focus on surface emission, while taking in the external environment softly by composing with plants, tiles and blocks.





Planned the interior to accompany the relocation of an company that conducts a wide range of businesses centered on engineering, such as structural design of buildings, analysis of nature and environment, software development in the field of simulation and information and communication, software sales and customization of CAD / CAE to the manufacturing field.Since there are a wide variety of business divisions, an environment that promotes communication that enables daily conversations and collaborations across divisions was required.

Areas are set up and various places are scattered. The plan was designed so that people would come and go in that area, and the space would be well-modulated, the thinking would be switched naturally according to the work style, and people would interact and talk and collaborate.

By quoting shoji screens and lattices and arranging them in the space, we designed the space so that you can feel the connection while dividing the area, and convey the charm of the structure. In addition, the design is designed so that the LGS, which is a structural material, and the structure inside the floor can be seen at key points, so that the brand identity can be indirectly appealed.






Planned the interior to accompany the relocation of an in-vehicle software development company office.An environment was required that promoted communication, allowed employees to think about work styles, and update work styles.

In order to gather people, we have arranged functions for meetings, seminars, pantry, and relaxation on one of the three floors.In addition, rails will be installed, whiteboards and transparent movable panels will be placed. Panels can be freely arranged to form a space according to various scenes.

In order to create a new boundary in the space and clarify the function of the space, the existing steel OA floor was partially used to create a place where the existing system ceiling panel was removed.In addition, upper lighting on the rails of the movable panel and the use of an R-shape for the sofa soften the hard space.Brand colors are scattered throughout the space to create rhythm in a monotonous space.

By thinking how to use it in a highly flexible standard and acting independently, we aimed to promote active discussion and communication, create new ideas, and create a space where employees and companies can grow.

F&M net.





Renovation plan for a company that develops systems, websites, IT consulting, and app development.There was a need for an office space with a variety of places that can promote communication and a place that specializes in working in a concentrated manner.

A free-address system was adopted to represent the capacity and various places within a limited space.In the center of the space created in this way, we have placed functions such as meeting rooms and pantry where people gather.

Go through this space on all leads from the entrance to the office seat, from the office seat to meetings, when going out, etc.By placing the function of gathering people at the center of the flow line, we created a place where accidental communication was born.

The wall material that separates the office space from the central communication space is made of polycarbonate, making it a space that has a loose connection while having a gap.In contrast to the monotonous and stoic space in which desks and work chairs are neatly arranged, the outside light that is inserted from the window surface is made of polycarbonate as the wall material, so the outside light is taken in as soft light. In addition, by using only indirect light without using downlights, a space with a matte texture was created to create a space that feels refreshing and comfortable.



Designed a communication space in the office of a company that develops IT infrastructure solutions business. Lauan, which is usually well-designed as a base material, is used as the main material. It is a space where you can feel a sense of rhythm and a sense of incongruity by using line-oriented details.